Use "opposer|opposers" in a sentence

1. Antiochus ăn tī’ ə kəs (̓Αντίοχος, meaning opposer, withstander)


3. Opposers shouted and smashed chairs.

4. Today, opposers likewise look for a pretext.

5. In what way was “restraint” applied by Jesus’ opposers?

6. • Why are opposers unable to stop our witnessing activity?

7. Antonyms for Benefactor include antagonist, opponent, opposer, recipient, beneficiary, taker, misanthropist, receiver, payee and inheritor

8. 12. (a) How did opposers react to the tract campaign?

9. □ In dealing with opposers, what balanced example did Jesus set?

10. To their chagrin, what will opposers soon be forced to recognize?

11. (John 12:31) He became known as Satan the Devil, the arch-opposer of both God and man.

12. (b) What plain warning do opposers of Jehovah ignore, and why?

13. Again, Nehemiah did not let himself be conquered by evil opposers.

14. They may have even received distorted information about Witnesses from determined opposers.

15. 12:14) One way to bless opposers is to pray for them.

16. For example, opposers burned down the Kingdom Hall in Mérida in 1980.

17. Was God’s Kingdom in the heart of Jesus’ obstinate and murderous opposers?

18. 14 Those foreign opposers did everything in their power to stop Nehemiah’s work.

19. Give an example of how showing courtesy may soften the attitude of opposers.

20. 6-8. (a) Stephen’s opposers leveled what twofold charge against him, and why?

21. Even so, the opposers filed a third complaint, based on the same charges.

22. Four times he told his opposers: “I am not able to go down.

23. Or we may be disturbed by false stories that opposers spread about us.

24. Especially is this so when determined opposers try to draw us into pointless arguments.

25. He may caution us about congregating on street corners or wasting time disputing with opposers.

26. 7 Jesus always referred to the Scriptures to aid honesthearted ones and refute his opposers.

27. Opposers have tried to put a stop to the Kingdom-preaching work but have failed.

28. The opposers may have grown tired or come to respect your sticking to Bible principles.

29. In each city, some people became believers, but others turned out to be hostile opposers.

30. This time, no opposers followed, and the Bible says ‘they made quite a few disciples.’

31. At times, he used powerful logic to refute the false charges of his religious opposers.

32. In so doing, he turned himself into Satan the Devil, a slanderer and opposer of God. —Genesis 3:1-6.

33. Even your opposers may get ashamed and acknowledge your good works!—1 Peter 2:12; 3:16.

34. Nor did the Cavillings of his opposers keep him for one instant from his place of honour

35. Hence, Nimrod—an opposer of God, a king of Babel, and a constructor of cities—undoubtedly shared in building the tower of Babel.

36. In modern times, Jehovah’s Witnesses have suffered verbal and physical abuse at the hands of misinformed opposers.

37. Some opposers of God’s people have used the tactic of “framing trouble in the name of the law.”

38. Happily, an elder was able to expose the false claims of the opposers and restore our sister’s faith.

39. Matthew 10:16-22, 28-31 What opposition can we expect, but why should we not fear opposers?

40. Then the opposers filed the same complaint a fourth time, and once again, the prosecutor found no evidence.

41. In storytelling, the Antagonist is the opposer or combatant working against the protagonist’s or leading characters’ goal (“antagonizing”) and creating the main conflict

42. (Hebrews 7:26) Jesus challenged his malicious opposers to convict him of sin, but they could not do so.

43. (2 Corinthians 12:7) This could have been the mental and emotional distress caused by opposers and “false brothers.”

44. What could the adversaries and opposers not control, and what could they not remove in behalf of the Jews?

45. (Acts 6:9-12) The opposers leveled this twofold charge against him: He was blaspheming both God and Moses.

46. The annihilation of this wicked opposer of God will be visible, concrete proof that the Lord Jesus Christ is sitting and acting as Judge.

47. The Witnesses prevailed at first, but the opposers rejected the verdict and the Witnesses lost on the appeal in May 2001.

48. His opposers, “wicked spirit forces” and human collaborators, think they can perpetuate their occupancy of the earth and discount any divine action.

49. There are many opposers in some areas, and in others the people in general are apathetic and unresponsive toward the Kingdom message.

50. Though I did not have much secular education, Jehovah gave me ‘wisdom that all opposers together were unable to resist or dispute.’

51. Jesus’ opposers found him so revolting that they, in effect, turned away from him as if he were too loathsome to look upon.

52. 7 The prophet Ezekiel of old had to muster up great courage in order not to fear the Israelite opposers of his day.

53. Our opposers tried to force us to go back to church, to christen our children, and to make the sign of the cross.

54. (Psalm 40:8) When questioned by opposers, he could therefore respond by quoting the Scriptures from memory. —Matthew 19:3-6; 22:23-32.

55. (2 Kings 6:16; Psalm 34:7) It may be that Jehovah, for his own good purpose, allows pressure from opposers to continue for a while.

56. 6 We also need courage when opposers maneuver the media into spreading bad reports about God’s servants or when they try to restrict true worship by scheming “trouble by decree.”

57. Nehemiah notes: “They strengthened their hands for the good work,” but opposers “began to deride us and look on us despisingly and say: ‘What is this thing that you are doing?

58. (Acts 4:5-8; 16:20; 17:6, 7) In our time, Satan still stirs up opposers of true worship to incite the authorities to place bans on our preaching work.

59. Adding to the tests the brothers have to face in some lands, opposers try to make them compromise not only as to nationalism, but now in matters of witchcraft and ancestor worship.

60. In the face of the withering scorn and haughty indifference of their Jewish opposers, the Hebrew Christians were helped by such expressions to resolve in their hearts to be the sort that have faith.

61. (2Pe 3:15, 16) This gift also appears to have been manifest in the individual’s ability to make a defense that opposers were unable to resist or to dispute. —Ac 6:9, 10.

62. Since cultivation of wrong desire to the point of fertility precedes the ‘birth of sin’ (Jas 1:14, 15), the spirit creature who turned opposer had already begun to deviate from righteousness, had experienced disaffection toward God, prior to the actual manifestation of sin.

63. 14 Therefore settle it in your hearts not to rehearse beforehand how to make your defense, 15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your opposers together will not be able to resist or dispute.

64. The fearless speaking of that Word of God has gone doggedly onward by Jehovah’s Witnesses since the postwar year of 1919 by an increasing number of mouths, despite the attempts of the infuriated opposers to stifle the fearless speakers.

65. Ma fille Alienor à un caractère bien trempé comme la reine Alienor dont elle porte bien.les couleurs.intelligente courageuse créative avec une ambition bien geree.genereuse ne faut pas s opposer à elle malgre une grande générosité

66. At times, the clergy and other opposers frame “trouble in the name of the law,” but it is faith-strengthening to see how, time and again, their misguided efforts have turned out to be “for the advancement of the good news.” —Ps.

67. Actually their question is well answered in the Scriptures, which reveal that it is not God, but his agelong opposer Satan who is causing the misery and distress from which people suffer, while God is doing something and those who serve him are doing something, pointing men to the only real remedy for the situation, God’s Kingdom government.

68. God and Mammon, or, No fellowship betwixt light and darknesse : the superstitious and true worshipper : also authentick reasons, and infallible arguments, proving that those wicked incendiaries that have been and now are resident about the king, ought to suffer Condigne punishment, as having been the opposers of true reformation, the occasioners of the slaughtering of many thousands of Gods

69. 19 Now turning his attention back to the opposers, Jehovah says: “To you the sons of those afflicting you must go, bowing down; and all those treating you disrespectfully must bend down at the very soles of your feet, and they will have to call you the city of Jehovah, Zion of the Holy One of Israel.”